February 19 - 24 is "Arkansas Gifted and Talented Awareness Week" across the Natural State. Arkansas defines "Gifted and Talented" children and youth as "those of high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences and/or services." Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for their development, are evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment and /or motivation, and creative ability.
Equitable Identification - Multiple forms of data and measures are used to determine the students from all cultural and economic backgrounds who need gifted and talented services to develop their exceptional skills.
Program Options - Resource rooms, acceleration, gifted and talented seminars, Pre-AP and AP classes, and Concurrent classes are a few strategies used by districts to provide gifted children with a curriculum appropriate to their needs.
Arkansas supports gifted education services through funding provided by legislative mandates. Guy-Perkins recognizes Ashley Pozorski, Gifted and Talented Teacher/Coordinator, for all of her work and dedication to G/T students. Thank you!